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Bruce is the visionary behind THE PERFECT WAVE. Having secured the rights, he developed both the story and the screenplay while assembling the entire team to achieve his vision for the film.


His success spans most creative areas in the motion picture business. Highlights include capturing Mandela's historic release and facilitating the historic meeting between Prince Edward and Mandela to directing commercials all over the world, endearing viewers to his magical storytelling. Bruce has an amazing ability to create, and what makes his work unique is that his creations come to life, giving testament to his endurance and belief in his projects and their viability.



The discipline of commercials, and detailed prep and presentation, were keys to Bruce's success as he captured memorable performances on the PERFECT WAVE.


Bruce developed an animated feature film in which he partnered with Hollywood giant (Revelations Entertainment - Morgan Freeman and Lori McCreary) and SA investment group INVENFIN (Remgro).

Bruce MacDonald - Director/Producer

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